Happy Saturday Links: December

Amish Shabani
2 min readDec 25, 2021


Hi and welcome back my friends. This is last post in 2021. 2021 was a hard year, pandemic, a lot of lockdown, and a ton of problems. But problems are here to solve. I hope to enjoy 2022, make progress everyday, be happy, and achieve your goals.

Let’s start and enjoy reading new articles :)

  1. What is code snippet and how to create your own in Xcode
  2. I though Xcode debugging tool is very useless, but I found it so clever after this talk by Pual. Debugging like a pro
  3. Are you interested in writing UI Test in Xcode? So watch this youtube video: Fabio Soares
  4. Old but Gold => A great Swift Repo: Swift-30-Projects
  5. In programming, a “predicate” is a function with a single parameter that returns either true or false. If you are coding in Typescript, maybe you are familiar with narrow typing. But there are some cases you need more control on your type guard. There is a custom type guard in Typescript, called type predicates (⚠️ After reading this article, read its comments, please! There are some more tips too). Also, you can read this post by Justin.
  6. Implementing application architecture is very important when you want scale up your app or reduce build time. I found some videos by essentialDeveloper. In these videos Caio want to implement an iOS clean architecture. You can watch them on YouTube: part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, and part7. I hope you to enjoy them.
  7. I am trying to learn Swift more and more. These days, I am learning about writing test. Sometimes you do async tasks and want to test them. How can we test asynchronous code? Visit Apple website to learn more. Paul Hudson has written a great post on his website too. If you look for advanced topics, don’t miss Swift By Sundell’ post.
  8. I haven’t written native components in React Native. But I found this simple and clear tutorial by Daniel.
  9. Running 60 fps in React Native is a little difficult. Mouli in his posts described different approaches.
  10. If you are an iOS developer, Maybe you want to write some unit tests for View Controllers and test life cycles. Frgai and Raymond explain it very nice.



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